Growing up in the Episcopalian church we celebrated Advent each year. I looked forward to Sundays full of familiar hymns and carols, lighting the candles on our advent wreath, saying our advent prayers, and the sweet waiting period before Christmas.
When we had Margaret I was eager to start our own family traditions but realized it would take some time, and be like pouring the foundation of a house. even when I thought she’d be ready to do our family advent calendar, she wanted to take out all the figures and play with them each day – which now looking back is so appropriate for her age group. So each year I’d put it up and I’d say last year, at 4 years old, was the first year she patiently pulled out each piece day after day and placed it on the scene.

Last year was also the first year we had another Advent calendar with a gift inside. My in-laws found a Lego one and truthfully I’m still deciding if we’ll do one like that again. Depending on the day and her mood she went from wanting to open a bunch of days at a time, to forgetting about the calendar all together.
This year I ordered these pieces that I am going to insert into our current calendar’s pockets with fun Christmas activities on each one. I’m also going to wrap up their Christmas books to be opened each day. Still trying to figure out if I’ll do anything else.

Last year my friend Sarah Tucker introduced me to The Giving Manger and we’ll be doing it again this year. Throughout Advent, family members can place a piece of hay in the manger when they perform a kind deed or act of service. It is a sweet little addition to what I think is one of the most special seasons of the liturgical calendar and I’m looking forward to it this year especially.

While I was on the Advent calendar hunt I gathered up a few options – some that are well suited to be family calendars, some that can even be personalized. I’d also they can be adapted to include things like scripture verses for each day or little candies, or a mix of both. I also did a round up of calendars that have treats and treasures. All of the are under $100 and start at $10.