The year 2005 was a simple time for fashion. I feel like you found your lane and stayed there. For me, I adopted the prep lifestyle punctuated with Juicy Couture tracksuits and innapropriate statement T-shirts from Abercrombie & Fitch. If there was a collar I popped it, if it could be ebroidered, I monogrammed it, and honestly not much has changed. My 10 year college reunion had me thinking about what my freshman year capsule wardrobe looked like in 2005. Here’s to pearls and polos and 2005 Kanye.

Bug Eye Sunglasses – I fancied myself a modern Jackie-O in this style. I remember my mom wondering if they were too big and now look at me – can’t get big enough.
Burberry Headband – Eat your heart out Blair Waldorf.
Pearl Earrings – My birthstone and the unoffocial birthstone of all sorority girls.
Lacoste polo – Alternatively a Le Tigre (where did you go Le Tigre?) or classic Ralph Lauren. But for “going out” we had our “going out tops” which I was horrified to learn were described as a “relic” from the early 00s that is “back” in this Glamour magazine article. I wore too many strapless numbers and most frequently wore a jean mini skirt and my “going out shoes” which Freshman year my go-to “going out shoes” were white BCBG pumps. I’ve always loved statement jewelry and college was all about the statement necklace- I especially loved wrap necklaces like this turquoise one.
College Bar Hat – These were the go to for school spirit for the boys and when/if I wore a hat this was it.
Tie Belt – The Vineyard Vines were my favorite but I had a vibrant collection of options Old Navy and JCrew including ribbon belts.
College Bar Hat – These were the go to for school spirit for the boys and when/if I wore a hat this was it.
Rainbow Flip Flops or Sperry Topsiders – Remember how you could tell the world about yourself via your collection of Facebook groups? I was in one called “I love my Rainbow sandals so much I even wear them when it rains.”
Return To Tiffany Heart Tag Bracelet – So many of us were wearing these bracelets and necklaces at our high school the semester before college that a foreign exchange student asked if they were a part of our dress code.
Vera Bradley Duffel Bag – When I searched these I found it is now called Vera Bradley “Iconic” Travel Duffel the use of the word iconic to describe a bag I carried over 10 years ago ignited an odd sense of pride.
Madres Skirt – I also loved designer denim because if you couldn’t tell it was designer by looking at your rear then what was the point? Citizens were my favorite.
Longchamp Le Pliage Large Shoulder Bag – The summer before my senior year of high school I did a study abroad program in Paris and took to using one of these for my books and felt tres chic as one of just a few girls in my high school who used one. They were ubiquitous at SMU but I still felt cool because what else would I even use- a backpack? Look at me now – I love a good diaper bag back pack and am embracing the fanny pack lifestyle.

“Going Out Shoes” – On a casual Tuesday night I would try to get away with my Rainbow sandals, but for a Thursday or definitely Friday when I pulled out the pointy toe high heeled “going out shoes” you knew it was on.
“Going Out Top” – I hear these are “back” and in fact this Glamour article describes “Going Out Tops” as “relics from the 00s” and I don’t love the word “relic” as much as I love the term “iconic” like the Vera Bradley bag but – I get it. I wore more strapless tops my freshman year of college than I ever have or will again. Paired with a statement necklace – especially one that wraps – and I was ready to go.
Louis Vuitton Pouchette – This was my big purchase before going to college. I saved up from babysitting, tacked on birthday money, and I’ll never forget my trip to the “big mall” in Tampa to go get it. It was a faithful companion and has seen football games, nights out and great times with girlfriends.
This is 100% accurate. I still rock my Le Pliage and definitely still have my VB duffel! Iconic indeed