Watching my friends become mothers has been a great joy from throwing showers, planning with them, and welcoming them and their new bundle home. I love throwing together a basket…
Easter Bunnies, Bonnets & Bows
One Easter, I think I was probably 10 or so, my mom and I went to Dillard’s to shop for a special outfit – as one often does in the…
How to get dressed for your virtual get-together!
Is it just me, or are all of these virtual meetings really putting the “social” in social distancing? Every day each of us have multiple face-time commitments starting at 9…
Outdoor Entertainment
Day one we ordered a bounce house. Day two a swing set. A tad dramatic, but we were quickly realizing how long of a haul we are all saddling up…
Corona Virus Resources
We’re living in unprecedented times, and there is so much being said and massive amounts of information, opinions, and analysis floating around. It is constantly changing. Over the past few…
The Rainbow Collection
Iconic imagery that has inspired songs, poems, and folklore – a rainbow is associated with promises of things that are good and bright, and especially after a storm. Cheerful and…