I do my best to stay organized but with two little ones and a husband who’s organization priorities look – ahem – different than mine, it can be tricky. My…
Sensory Play and Preschoolers
Early on in my time as a stay-at-home mom to Margaret I came up with a kind of formula for our days. We had outings of course, play dates sometimes,…
My Mom-of-Two Must Haves
Zoe Twin+ – When we went from one to two and I started to travel with both girls, I knew I needed a lightweight double stroller. We did our research…
Heart-Eyed For Heart Earrings
The heart jewelry renaissance is upon us! In my lifetime the status of heart jewelry in the bauble department hotly debated. Is it tasteful romance and a sure-fire symbol of…
Five Years And Six Parties: My Thoughts On Throwing A Child’s Birthday
Like many party planning parents, over the past few years I’ve turned to Google to answer questions like: What is a good theme for a one year old in the…
Margaret’s Magical 5th Birthday Party
Who – We wanted to invite both Pre-K classes including all siblings and both parents. Beyond that we included close friends and family. All in all it ended up at…