It took quite a while, but I think we have finally found the perfect bedding for Catherine’s room! If you’ve been follow along, you might remember that we recently updated Margaret’s bedroom with a custom bed. However, Catherine’s bed is actually the one I used as a child. I think this has made the search for bedding a little extra sentimental, as I had especially high standards. I’m thrilled to say that the Pippen House Duvet that we went with has surpassed these standards!
Duvet Versus Comforter
I went back and forth between a duvet or a comforter for this space. Aesthetically and comfort-wise, I’m a duvet lover. But, from a logistics standpoint, I wasn’t entirely sure. Did I want to add another duvet suite to our house? Would the hassle of of wrestling it on and off for laundering outweigh the beauty of the bedding? Is there something that would be easy to clean, but also as aesthetically pleasing? Enter the Pippen House Signature Duvet System.

Pippen House Duvet System
In a nutshell, the clever engineering behind the Pippen House Duvet System is pure genius. Sisters Kate and Maddy came up with the subtle and smart design featuring non-locking zippers. These zippers internally fasten the right and left side of the duvet cover directly to the duvet insert. This makes it incredibly easy to get it on and off for washing (something I should’ve probably been doing more of, if I’m being honest!)
Maybe even more importantly, it ensures that the insert stays put. So there’s no more dealing with slippage or lumpiness. I’m so used to fighting with the duvet in our bedroom, only to be disappointed as it inevitably becomes lumpy and misshapen. The Pippen House system turned out to be even easier than I could’ve imagined! And I’m not the only one who feels this way…House Beautiful, Veranda, and Town and Country have all raved about its efficiency and design.
The Duvet System includes two pillow cases, a duvet insert, and a duvet cover. The down alternative insert is hypoallergenic and also the ideal weight for a cozy, yet cool, night’s sleep. And in addition to the innovative features, it’s also beautiful! There are four classic design options – a solid white, a taped edge, a scallop edge, and a piped edge. For Catherine’s room we went with the taped edge in a charming cornflower blue.
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My Thoughts on Bedding
Throughout the past 15 years of selecting bedding for our home, Curtis and I have tried out a wide range of options. We’ve splurged on fully custom linens as well as experimented with off-the-rack finds at places like HomeGoods and Target. However, most often, I find myself drawn to quality sets from smaller labels that speak to me decor-wise. So personally, the price point of the Pippen House System (~$400) is right where I tend to be. However, I realize that this likely lands in the splurge category for many people. If you’re on the fence, I’d strongly urge you to consider going for it, because as Southern Living Magazine said, it’s “worth every penny!” Plus, I have a discount code! You can use HAMLIN20 to save 20% on an order.

Catherine’s New Duvet
I suppose I should also address whether or not Catherine likes her new bedding, since she’s the one actually using it. When I asked her, it was a resounding YES! Although, at only 6 years old, I’m not sure she is as invested in bedding as her mom is…yet! If you’d like to see exactly how the duvet system works, head on over to my Instagram where I’ve saved a highlight featuring some how-to videos walking through the simple process. And for additional favorites in our home, you might also enjoy reading about how we display kids art and Margaret’s custom bed.