A good chunk of parenting so far for us has been figuring out what gear we do and don’t need. Zoe Strollers has three of our favorite products, two of which both girls use together, even with their almost 4 years age gap. Don’t let their name fool you – their offerings go beyond strollers, though their Twin+ double stroller was our first item!
The Twin +
Now a must have and an MVP of the Hamlin household – the Zoe Twin+ double stroller is the best. Even though Margaret is 5 and starting kindergarten next year, there are just certain times it is most appropriate for her to have access to a stroller. Often that is traveling, city walking, and of course, Disney! The Zoe Twin+ was one of our most thoroughly researched items and all the reviews helped us feel confident that this double was the right fit for our needs. We wanted something easy for traveling, light weight but durable, with undercarriage storage and seats that recline enough to allow for napping on-the-go.
The Twin+ is so much and more. The sun shades are generous for our Disney days in the Florida sun, the storage makes it easy to go hands-free with bags while traveling, and it is so comfortable for both my girls (1 & 5) that they can snooze comfortably. It is smooth to push, easy to set-up and break down, and I can get it into the gate check bag when I am traveling solo with Margaret and Catherine. The + in the name indicates that you can add on a seat if your family grows and this version comes in 8 colors. For more on my Mom of Two Must Haves, read more of my thoughts here and check out my video here.
The Cloud 2-in-1 Travel Crib
The Cloud has already made a few trips with us. Sometimes we are in situations where we can borrow a crib or get one from the hotel, but sometimes we’re not, and we got tired of bringing Margaret’s huge pack n’play with us – it was unbelievable how much space it took up in our car. Enter the Cloud – so much smaller without sacrificing the comfort for Catherine. She sleeps so well in it, especially when we bring the SlumberPod. I’m not proud to admit that I am easily intimidated by the mechanics of baby gear, but this one was easy enough for me!
The MUNCHKIN Party Set
The MUNCHkin is the perfect new additional to our kid-friendly gear. We had two little tables already so I was wondering if we’d even use this. But one of our tables was one made by my grandfather and it used to be mine, so we try to limit the damage to it – and the other is a big, heavy Pottery Barn one that isn’t easy to get outside if we want a change of scenery. So this little Munchkin set has been perfect to grab for a quick al fresco crafting session or front-yard picnic. You can wipe it down, hose it off, let it dry and fold it up until you need it again! We have really appreciated having it on hand to make extra snack time seating for little guests. It is so compact we’ve even loaded it in the car to take for a family beach day! It comes in blue, pink, grey and green!

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Use code CAMOHERO at checkout through April to not only save, support heros on the front line. From healthcare workers to truck drivers, there families in need out there and 20% of your purchase of a Camo Traveler will go to a Hero Family.
Hello Grace, I love your blog! Are you able to please tell me what paint color you have in your nursery (the pale pink)? Also, the brand/fabric of the beautiful curtain panels? Thank you!